Pickle them, Irina!

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Down here, we only pickle the small sort , which has been sown but has yet to sprout, in time for pickle season in the autumn. This one's for salads, duly enjoyed. :)

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May 27Liked by Irina Slav

Lol.. Cucumbers are one of the plants I always grow, b/c they always seem to over-produce. One plant will feed one person for the summer. They are best eaten raw at the smaller stage of development. In recent years, I have strived to grow a much more manageable garden by not growing way more than I need to eat.. the Cukes will surprise you with fruit. Many times one can pick both sides of a row, then return and pick the ones you missed the first time around. If they grow large they have a more bitter hull, but smaller I eat without peeling. So I hope you have plenty of neighbors who love them! Lol.

On a side note--other over producers that do the same and generally grow well are Squash, peppers, Tomatoes, and Okra, all of which I love. They take less space if planted well, and produce fabulously if disease and weather cooperate. Corn and Beans, I buy at local produce markets as they take much more effort and space.

I am currently WAAY behind on my gardening due to weather and working two part time jobs, and seem to be the only one who is willing to do the sweaty part of gardening, but everyone loves the food around here..lol..I love going out in the morning and puttering in the garden so it works well for both of us. Good luck with your and your families gardening Irina, may the cucumber remain a constant staple to your diets!

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Thanks, Marty! Best of luck with the weather to you! We had a couple of bitter ones so now I'm marking the ones I pick with the number of the plant to find out which one the bitter plant is. It's weird because I picked them early and all plants are the same variety. One was only bitter at the end, though, fine the rest of the fruit. Squash I didn't plant this year because I bet on melons and watermelons instead, tomatoes are doing very well and I sowed a little patch of okra for my own personal needs because I'm the only one who loves it. Peppers are divas around here but most that I planted are still alive and a couple are budding, so we may see some crops. Beans, too, because they grew so wonderfully last year I planted double last year's amount. Courgettes are a new favourite -- as Cris says, he'd never eaten so many in his life but since we're growing them we might as well eat them. Great motivation to plant more stuff so we eat more healthy. :D I also enjoy the sweaty part, it's very stress relieving and gratifying when you see the literal fruit of your labours.

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